Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Hello Again!

It has been a long and wonderful holiday and yet I am so glad to be back home and rekindling my relationship my sewing machine! I have so many great scarf ideas this year and I cannot wit to start working and showing you the results. My inspiration and excitement has come from this new great website that I just discovered!!! Can you guess what it is??? .......... If you guessed Pinterest, then your right! I love it so much. I thought I was creative but there are people out there who have more time to fuel their creativity and come up with amazing ideas and projects, and I am so jealous of the women who get to spend all day creating whatever they set their minds too! Anyways my point is that I am going to be working hard to bring you the neatest, most delicious scarves you have ever seen! Until then I am stocking up on fabric and buttons. If you know of anyone, or if you yourself, is going through the storage boxes and find unwanted fabric, buttons, zippers, or anything of sewing use I will take you for coffee in exchange!! Also I am committed to being in the Kris Kringle Craft Fair in Parksville this fall, after learning quickly last year that I did not have enough stock to even participate in the show I am starting to build stock early on and will be well prepared for craft season! I can't wait! Pictures coming soon!